Carl Zanon wins LMAG Service Awards

Life Members Chair Wins Both Region 7 and Global Individual Service Awards


Carl Zanon, Chair of the Vancouver Section Chapter of the Life Member Affinity Group (LMAG), has been honoured by the IEEE Life Members committee with two LMAG Individual Service Awards.

Carl Zanon was named the winner of the Region 7 LMAG Individual Service Award 2024, as well as the LMAG Global Individual Service Award 2024.

These LMAG awards are in recognition of:

“The excellence and the extraordinary contributions of the Life Members to the LMAG, Region, Life member community, and broader community.”

Carl Zanon stepped in as an active volunteer, and revitalized the Vancouver Section Life Members chapter in 2021.  He organized a series of Life Member “Talks” beginning in Oct 2021, and made sure that they were accessible to all Life Members, online.  This series of talks has expanded, and is attracting interest from Life Members across Canada.  In cooperating with other Life Member chapters, Carl has been often praised for raising the profile of the LMAG and bringing Life Members together.   The Vancouver Section recognized Carl for the growth and vitality of the chapter at the Vancouver Section AGM in 2023.

For more information about the Vancouver Section Chapter of the Life Members Affinity Group, please visit the LM chapter web page

For more information about IEEE Life Members and the global LMAG please visit the IEEE Life Members website: