The Vancouver IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS) Chapter brings together research in a number of fields fostering interest in all aspects of the field of Electron Devices, including: engineering, physics, theory, experiment and simulation of electron and ion devices involving insulators, metals, organic materials, plasmas, semiconductors, superconductors, vacuum, and emerging materials. Specific applications include actuators, bioelectronics, biomedical, computation, communications, displays, electro and micro mechanics, imaging, optical, photovoltaics, power, sensors and signal processing. The Vancouver EDS also expands these aspects to include related areas of MEMS.
The Vancouver Chapter of the EDS averages approximately 3 high quality technical meetings with out-of-town speakers per year, with at least one Distinguished Lecturer per year. Past DL presenters have included former IEEE EDS EXCOM members such as Dr. Durgamadhab (Durga) Misra (2008) and Dr. Albert Wang (2009). Another DL is tentatively scheduled for April 2010.