IEEE Vancouver Section Co-Sponsors Successful 5G Bootcamp by Keysight
The IEEE Vancouver Section was proud to join Rogers Communications and UBC in co-sponsoring a successful 5G Bootcamp held by Keysight Technologies at UBC on September 26. Approximately 140 attendees participated in the day-long Bootcamp, where telecommunications professionals from academia and industry met for an amazing event that offered technical insights into 5G deployment. Over the course of the Bootcamp, attendees learned about a broad range of 5G New Radio topics including:
- 3GPP timelines
- Protocol structure
- Numerology and modulation
- Signal quality
- MIMO and beamforming
- Over-the-air measurements
- Channel characterization
- Network emulation and UE testing
- Network deployment and Field test
The Bootcamp was followed by a networking social where attendees could make connections with others in academia and the telecommunications industry.
Globally, the IEEE has been covering developments in 5G right from the start and has published many articles about 5G in its Spectrum magazine. To read a brief introduction about 5G and its improvements over existing telecommunication technologies, click here. To browse through the list of 5G articles available in the Spectrum, click here.