Marine Systems Initiative – Industry Workshop March 4th
The IEEE Vancouver Section Joint Aerospace Chapter and UBC Marine Systems Initiative are co-sponsors of:
Future Ship: UBC Marine Systems Initiative Industry Workshop
March 4, 2020
After the success of the Inaugural UBC Marine Systems Initiative Industry Workshop featuring over 120 attendees and presentations from the Royal Canadian Navy, industry innovators and academia, we are pleased to announce the 2nd UBC Marine Systems Initiative Industry Workshop: Future Ship in Vancouver on Wednesday, 4 March 2020.
This 2nd workshop will be an important learning and networking opportunity for government stakeholders, technology innovators, ship operators, component suppliers, manufacturers, designers, educators, service providers and research organizations to get an update on our progress and help to set the direction for this important initiative in the coming years.
This workshop is open to the public, however pre-registration is required.
To register, and for additional information, please visit the Industry Workshop event page: