Vancouver Section Elections – Coming Soon

Election process for elected officers to begin in August

IEEE is an organization whose value to members depends much upon the volunteers who contribute. This is especially true when it comes to Section level activities. The Vancouver Section will soon be conducting elections for the section officer positions, including Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary.

Technical Chapters and Affinity Groups within the Vancouver Section will also be conducting elections for their respective officer positions.

Key dates to be aware of are as follows:

  • Aug 1 – Aug 31:   Call for Nominations Period
  • Sep 15:                 Initial Slate of Candidates announced
  • Sep 15 – Oct 15:  Petition Period
  • Nov 8:                   Final Slate of Candidates announced
  • Nov 15 – Nov 30: Voting period
  • Dec 6:                   Election results announced

The call for nominations and other steps of the election process will be announced to members of the Vancouver Section via IEEE e-Notice.  Please stay tuned for more.

For any questions regarding elections, please contact the Election Committee Chair Matthew Wilder (email: matthew.wilder at


For volunteers interested in other positions or roles, please see our general call for volunteers in this separate news item:

Vancouver Section – Call for Volunteers