5@7: Entrepreneurship for quantum technologies

Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2Y 0A3

The IEEE Photonics Society Montreal chapter in partnership with Quantino are inviting you to this 5 à 7 to continue the conversation with the panelists, participants, and guests about entrepreneurship... Read more

Solving the multi-agent herding control problem: theory and applications, Prof. Mario di Bernardo

Room: ASB 10704, Bldg: Applied Science Building , Simon Fraser University, Burnaby Campus , Burnaby , British Columbia, Canada, Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/431027

Solving the multi-agent herding control problem: theory and applications The emergence of coordinated action between groups of interacting individuals or agents is a common feature of multi-agent complex systems in... Read more

Frontiers in Systems and Control – A Special Workshop

Room: CEME 2202, Bldg: Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building , 6250 Applied Science Lane, UBC, Vancouver , British Columbia, Canada

Abstract of the workshop: This special workshop “Frontiers in Systems and Control” consists of a series of presentations given by renowned researchers in systems and control. Speakers have been playing... Read more

IEEE Day – Vancouver Section Celebration

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Join the IEEE Vancouver Section in its celebration of IEEE Day Location: TBD The theme for IEEE Day is “Leveraging Technology for a Better Tomorrow.” Every year, on the first... Read more

Navigating the Complex Terrain of Enterprise System RFPs

Virtual: https://events.vtools.ieee.org/m/427995

Overview: In the high-stakes world of large corporate IT, conducting a Request-for-Proposal (RFP) for an enterprise system is like orchestrating a symphony of diverse stakeholders, intricate technical requirements, and strategic... Read more