Series Finale: Grand Q&A Session

Virtual: Virtual:

IEEE YP Professional Development Series: Part 10 The Professional Development Series is a 10-part series of online seminars which aims at presenting and discussing career opportunities and pathways in the engineering profession, with presenters coming from a wide range of backgrounds across Canada and the world. In Part 10, to close the series, Joseph Botros... Read more

Quantification of Peak Demand Reduction Potential in Commercial Buildings


IEEE Power & Energy Society Vancouver Chapter is pleased to announce a technical webinar on "Quantification of Peak Demand Reduction Potential in Commercial Buildings" by Professor Dr. Saifur Rahman. Please note that this event has been set up by Canada East Representative for the Ottawa PES Chapter. The chapter kindly invites all PES members and... Read more

Vancouver Section Exec Meeting – September 2021

Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, Virtual:

Monthly meeting of Vancouver Section officers, chapter chairs, affinity group chairs, and student branches officers. Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, Virtual:

Modern Antenna and Electromagnetic Measurements: Half-Day LIVE & IN-PERSON Workshop

Room: Skyline Room, 2nd Floor, The Museum of Flight Seattle , 9400 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington, United States, 98108 Room: Skyline Room, 2nd Floor, The Museum of Flight Seattle , 9400 East Marginal Way South, Seattle, Washington, United States, 98108

Join us for a complimentary lunch sponsored by SteppIR and Advanced Test Equipment Corp (ATEC). Following lunch, attendees will hear FOUR experts present on modern antenna and electromagnetic measurements to boost your test efficiency, reliability, and repeatibility. In addition to the two presentations shown below, this half-day event also features speakers Zhong Chen with ETS-Lindgren... Read more

EMC Was There at the Beginning


The Chicago Chapter and co-sponsoring EMCS units welcomes everyone to this informative and entertaining presentation about the roots of our profession. The practice of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) is generally understood as beginning with the military in the 1950s. Work in the field was mostly limited to military applications until about 1980, when the FCC in... Read more

Vancouver IEEE Day: Security, Ethics, & Standards in the IEEE


In celebration of IEEE Day, the Vancouver Section has organized a few short talks related to security, ethics, and standards affecting the IEEE. Privacy Issues Associated with Connected Vehicles - Prof. David Michelson Bio: Prof. David Michelson leads the AURORA Connected Vehicle Test Bed at the University of British Columbia where his research focuses on... Read more

NextG Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurements


  Webinar: NextG Millimeter-Wave Channel Measurements Oct 26 This webinar will focus on the challenges that millimetre-wave channel measurements, models, and systems pose for Regulators and Standards Organizations, Equipment Vendors, and Research Labs, and the role that IEEE SA P2982 - Recommended Practices for Verification of Millimetre-Wave Channel Sounders - will play in addressing them.... Read more

Vancouver Section Life Members group: Reminiscing about Early Days


Vancouver Talk: Reminiscing about Early Days Saturday Nov 13th, 11:00 - 12:00 Location: Online   The IEEE Vancouver Life Members Affinity Group Presents:   Talk sessions that invite Members to express/describe their experiences to their fellow engineers. Registration is optional but recommended... we are still learning how to use events.   In this Talk Session,... Read more

Webinar: Control and Monitoring Methods for Resilient Distributed and Networked Systems


Webinar: Control and Monitoring Methods for Resilient Distributed and Networked Systems Presented by: Joint Chapter, Control Systems / Robotics / Systems Man and Cybernetics Speaker: Prof. Ahmad W. Al-Dabbagh, UBC Okanagan, BC Date: November 18th, 2021 Time: 5:00pm-6:30pm Location: Online Abstract: Examples of distributed and networked systems are many in society, such as in manufacturing... Read more



WHAT IS MY MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT ACTUALLY DOING? IMPLICATIONS FOR 5G/6G, MM-WAVE AND RELATED APPLICATIONS   Fri Nov. 19th, 2021 3:00 - 4:50 pm PT Location: ONLINE   Speaker:    Jon Martens, Anritsu IEEE MTT Distinguished Microwave Lecturer Abstract - Current microwave and high frequency instrumentation perform many tasks behind the scenes, even more so in the mm-wave... Read more



FREE-POSITION WIRELESS CHARGERS: FUNDAMENTALS AND CHALLENGES Speakers:        Dr. Ali Saket of AIRAPOWER        Mr. Eric Goodchild of AIRAPOWER Wednesday, December 1, 2021   4:30 pm Location: Online Presented by: PEL35 Power Electronics Society, Vancouver Chapter   For additional information and registration, please visit:   Join Dr. Ali Saket and Mr. Eric Goodchild to learn... Read more

SSC Society webinar: Enhanced Wireless Technologies Using Metasurfaces


Enhanced Wireless Technologies Using Metasurfaces Prof. Andrea Alu Date: Fri. Dec 3rd 2021 Time: 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm Location: Online IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society Vancouver Chapter Presents: A Webinar by Prof. Andrea Alu, the Founding Director and Einstein Professor at the Photonics Initiative, CUNY Advanced Science Research Center and a Fellow of NAI, AAAS,... Read more

Vancouver Life Members Group Talk: About early days 2


Reminiscing About Early Days - part 2 IEEE Vancouver Life Members Affinity Group This is the second talk session that invites Members to express/describe their experiences to their fellow engineers. The first one in November ran long and we didn't get all the speakers, so they are listed again. Agenda Meeting Chair:            Carl Zanon IEEE... Read more

IEEE CEIDP Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena

Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel, Vancouver Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena 2021 December 12-15, 2021 Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel, Vancouver BC The 98th IEEE Conference on Electrical Insulation and Dielectric Phenomena (IEEE CEIDP 2021) which will be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada from December 12-15, 2021. IEEE CEIDP 2021 will be hosted at the Pinnacle Harbourfront Hotel located in the center of Vancouver. The IEEE CEIDP... Read more