The 2016 IEEE Vancouver Section’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Gala event was held on 24th March 2016. The event was well represented by sponsor’s representatives, professionals from industry, academics and student community totaling 106 people.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Gala is held annually by the Vancouver Section to conduct certain formal business of the Section after the year end. Section Chair Lee Vishloff reported on the activities of the Section in 2015 and the plans for 2016. Section Treasurer Steven McCLain reported on the Sections financial results and presented the auditors report. Section members voted to approve these reports and for the appointment of a new section auditor (see details below).
Beyond conducting the official business of the Section, the AGM & Gala provides an opportunity for recognizing and honoring outstanding individuals and groups within the Section. Section awards and Student Scholarships (see the complete list below) were presented.
Section Awards
The IEEE Vancouver Section recognized several volunteers for their significant contribution. The Section award winners are:
- Outstanding Student Branch Activities – BCIT – Johnson Huang & John Shin
- Outstanding Small Technical Chapter – Okanagan Subsection – Youry Khmelevsky
- Outstanding Large Technical Chapter – Power and Energy Society (PES) – Dipendra Rai
- Outstanding Affinity Group – Young Professionals – Sean Garrity
- Outstanding Volunteer – Youry Khmelevsky
- Service award – Past Chair – Balbir (Bob) Gill
Vancouver Section Student Scholarship Awards
- Thurb Cushing Scholarship Award – Ilia Kalmansont – UBC
- John Deane Scholarship Award – Gordon Ho – SFU
- Hector J. MacLeod Scholarship Award – Johnson Huang – BCIT
Student Poster Competition
There was a student poster competition organized and well participated compared to previous years. Four student posters and one special poster + demo were exhibited in the Foyer for all AGM attendees to view and discuss. The Student Poster competition entries were:
- Network Sniffing with Practical Analysis on a Test Network
Ben Farrell, KPU - SFU – Fun with Antennas, Propagation, Communications and Signal Processing
Ying Chen, Maryam Rasmhoseini, Abhijit Bhattacharya and Roshanak Zabihi- SFU - Low Cost Human – like Robot Hand- (poster and demo) (First Prize).
Kai Yang, KPU - Wheelchair Accident Alert System- (Second Prize)
Nicolaas Dreyer, Desmond Wong, and Johnny Le, BCIT
Financial Report and Auditors Report
The Section Financial Report and auditors report were presented by Section Treasurer Steven McClain, and approved by the members present. The new audit team member Jeff Bloemink was appointed The names of Section Auditors for the coming year are:
- Jeff Bloemink
- Rodney Vaughan
- Jose Marti
Keynote Speach: Mr. Chris O’Riley, BC Hydro
Mr. Chris O’Riley, The Deputy CEO of BC Hydro delivered a Keynote Speech on The Importance of Infrastructure Investment. Mr. O’Riley discussed Hydro’s plans for several large scale initiatives as well as some of the environmental and regulatory difficulties. The presentation was well applauded by attendees.

Plaque of Recognition being presented to AGM Key Note Speaker Left to Right – Chris O’ Riley of BC Hydro, Section Vice Chair Rama Vinnakota and Section Chair Lee Vishloff
Student Raffle – Draw Prizes
The Section and our AGM sponsors generously provided exciting and desirable gifts. These items were utilized as “student raffle” prizes! Attendees were asked to purchase raffle tickets in order to participate in the draw for prizes. The proceeds of the student raffle are donated to the Vancouver Section Student Scholarship fund.
For additional information concerning the Scholarship Funds, visit the “Students” page on the Vancouver Section website:
AGM Photos and Online Report
Click here to see the full AGM Photo Gallery.
Thanks to our AGM Sponsors
The Vancouver Section also takes the opportunity during the AGM to thank its sponsors and supporters. This year the Section had a record 11 sponsors supporting our AGM, representing academic institutions as well as industry.
These sponsors contributed toward the AGM in many ways – without their support, a high quality event would be not be achievable for the section.
The Vancouver Section gratefully acknowledges the support of our AGM 2016 sponsors:
Vancouver Section Contact
Mr. Rama Vinnakota,
Vancouver Section Vice Chair
Email: rama.vinnakota at bchydro.com
We look forward to seeing you at next year’s AGM & Gala!