e-Newsletter: May 2022
Professional Development OpportunitiesBCIT School of Energy Part-Time StudiesUpgrade, refresh or introduce something new into your educational portfolio. BCIT’s School of Energy is offering these in-person courses in month of June:
Earned credits from these courses can be applied to appropriate programs. Contact: Katie Howard if you have questions or require additional information. Sponsored Advertising |
Professional Development OpportunitiesMaster of Engineering in Smart Grid Systems and Technologies The new Master of Engineering in Smart Grid Systems and Technologies is accepting applications for the September intake until May 31, 2022. This part-time Master’s program enables students to enrich and complement their Smart Grid domain knowledge outside normal working hours without interfering with their current jobs, thereby preparing them for exciting future careers in the carbon-constrained economy of the new millennia. It could be an opportunity for you to advance that career. Contact: Selina Li if you have any questions or require additional information. Sponsored Advertising |
Upcoming Events
ISPSD 2022 – Int’l Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICsOrganizers: IEEE Electron Devices Society (EDS), IEEE Power Electronics Society (PELS), IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) May 23-25th, 2022, Marriott Pinnacle Downtown Hotel, 1128 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC, V6E 4R5 The International Symposium on Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs (ISPSD) is the premier forum for technical discussions in all areas of power semiconductor devices and power integrated circuits. Topics include, but not limited to, device physics, modeling, design, fabrication, materials, packaging and integration, device reliability, and device/circuit interactions. |
Knowledge Graphs 2022: Achievements, Challenges and OpportunitiesGerhard Weikum, Scientific Director at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics Organizer: Computer Society Vancouver Chapter Wednesday, May 25th, 9:00 am-10:30 am. Online Machines with comprehensive knowledge of the world’s entities and their relationships has been a long-standing vision and challenge of AI. Over the last two decades, huge knowledge bases, also known as knowledge graphs, have been automatically constructed from web data and text sources, and have become a key asset for search engines and other use cases. Machine knowledge can be harnessed to semantically interpret text in news, social media, and web tables, contributing to question answering, natural language processing and data analytics. Gerhard Weikum is a Scientific Director at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics in Saarbruecken, Germany, and an Adjunct Professor at Saarland University. He co-authored a comprehensive textbook on transactional systems, received the VLDB Test-of-Time Award 2002 for his work on automatic database tuning, and is one of the creators of the YAGO knowledge base which was recognized by the WWW Test-of-Time Award in 2018. |
World of Nanoelectronics: 75th Year of TransistorProf. Durga Misra, New Jersey Institute of Technology Organizer: Electron Devices Wednesday, June 1st, 11:00 am-12:00 noon. ASB 10900, Building: Applied Sciences, Simon Fraser University, 8888 University Dr., Burnaby, V5A 1S6. Electron devices and materials has reached a crossroad with Moore’s law. While scaling (More Moore) will continue nanoelectronics device research will face many challenges and issues. This year being the 75th Year of Transistor the talk will discuss how the transistor has been transformed from a planar device to a three-dimensional device, FinFET. Dr. Durga Misra is a Professor and Chair in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA. His current research interests are in the areas of nanoelectronics/ optoelectronics devices and circuits, especially around nanometer CMOS gate stacks and device reliability. |
Interconnect Meets Architecture: On-Chip CommunicationPartha Pratim Pande, Washington State University Organizer: Circuits and Systems Society Monday, June 6th, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm. KAIS 2020, Building: Fred Kaiser, University of British Columbia, 2332 Main Mall, Vancouver, V6T 1Z. Neural Networks, graph analytics, and other big-data applications have become vastly important for many domains. This has led to a search for proper computing systems that can efficiently utilize the tremendous amount of data parallelism that is associated with these applications. Partha Pratim Pande is a professor and holder of the Boeing Centennial Chair in computer engineering at the school of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Washington State University, Pullman, USA. He is currently the director of the school. |
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Dr Chris Scholefield
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