e-Newsletter: December 2022
SPONSORED CONTENT BCIT School of Energy Flexible Learning (Part-Time Studies) Upgrade, refresh or introduce something new to your educational portfolio. BCIT’s School of Energy offers degree programs for your continuing education. Earn your CPD and enhance your career with these opportunities: Bachelor of Technology – Electronics The Bachelor of Technology – Electronics is a baccalaureate degree designed for electronics technologists (or equivalent) who wish to complete a degree while working to gain skills for a job promotion. The program provides graduates with the knowledge and skills required to design electrical, computer, automation and communication systems. Currently, applications are being accepted as early as January 2023. Contact: Katie Howard if you have questions or require additional information. |
SPONSORED CONTENT BCIT School of Energy Flexible Learning (Part-Time Studies)
Upgrade, refresh or introduce something new to your educational portfolio. BCIT’s School of Energy offers degree programs for your continuing education. Earn your CPD and enhance your career with these opportunities: Master of Engineering in Smart Grid Systems and Technologies The new Master of Engineering in Smart Grid Systems and Technologies is accepting applications for the September 2023 intake. This part-time Master’s program enables students to enrich and complement their Smart Grid domain knowledge outside normal working hours without interfering with their current jobs, thereby preparing them for exciting future careers in the carbon-constrained economy of the new millennia. It could be an opportunity for you to advance that career. For those professionals outside of Electrical Engineering, ELEX 0101 Modern Power System and Circuit Fundamentals, is a new Flexible Learning (part-time studies) course providing knowledge to bridge into the Master’s program. This course is available as early as January 2023. Contact: Selina Li if you have any questions or require additional information. |
ADVERTISING The IEEE Vancouver Section is offering advertising in the e-Newsletter in support of member activities. The monthly newsletter is sent to over 3,500 subscribers who are IEEE members in British Columbia. Anyone interested in placing advertising can contact the section chair, Matthew Wilder. |
A Year-End Message from the Section ChairTo members of the Vancouver Section, As 2022 comes to an end, I am reflecting on a year that saw us returning to a more normal mode of operating. The COVID-19 pandemic made it difficult to gather as a section for a full two years, and we were able to hold our first in-person gatherings since the pandemic, first with the Summer Social gathering in Burnaby held during August, then at the IEEE Day celebration in Vancouver October. It was great to see faces, some familiar, and some new. The Vancouver Section of the IEEE has a rich history. Formed on August 22, 1911, the section is now 111 years old, making 2022 the year of the section’s “eleventy first” anniversary (to borrow the words of a famous hobbit, written by Tolkein). The section’s thriving has always depended upon the excellent work of willing volunteers. In the Vancouver Section, we have had amazing volunteers, representing academia and industry alike. This past Monday, December 5 was International Volunteer Day. I want to take this opportunity to share my appreciation with the volunteers who make the Vancouver Section what it is. The determined volunteers of our section give their time month after month, and create opportunities for our members to benefit from their IEEE membership by organizing local events and meet-ups. My sincerest thanks to all of our volunteers. They say that many hands make for light work. I would encourage all of our members to consider volunteering with the section. I have found that volunteering has helped me connect with a wide variety of experts from a broad range of engineering disciplines and I have learned a lot from my fellow volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please reach out directly to me (matthew.wilder at ieee.org). I will be happy to talk and connect with you to find out more about you and connect you with roles in the section that put your unique skills to use. Some of our vacant volunteer positions include:
However you celebrate the upcoming holiday season, I hope you enjoy quality time with friends and family. And as 2023 approaches, I am looking forward to even more opportunities to meet up, expand networks, and engage in lively discussions that enrich our experiences as members of IEEE, and more importantly, as fellow human beings. |
Vancouver Section Election – Section Officers 2023The Vancouver Section announces its section officers for 2023. Section Chair: Jacqueline Nichols Section Vice Chair: Mandeep Pannu Section Treasurer: Osama Ansari Section Secretary: Pooya Taheri Okanagan Sub-section Chair: Youry Khmelevsky Northern BC Sub-Section Chair: Fan Jiang |
Section Election – Chapter and Affinity Group Officers 2023The Vancouver Section announces its chapter and affinity group officers for 2023. Affinity Group OfficersConsultant Networks (Vacant) Life Members S. Carl Zanon Women in Engineering Mahsa Bataghva Young Professionals Fares Alsaafani |
Two BCIT student members were awarded PES ScholarshipsThe IEEE Power & Energy Society (IEEE PES) has awarded PES Scholarships to two IEEE student members of the Vancouver Section:
Overall, seventy-five (75) PES Scholarship recipients were selected this year. The goal of the IEEE PES Scholarship Plus Initiative is to encourage undergraduate students to pursue power and energy engineering careers. |
Upcoming Events
V2X – The Cooperative Safety RevolutionOra Priziment and Jeffrey Fefer of AutoTalks Organizer: Joint Communications Chapter Thursday, December 15, 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, Online. V2X – The Cooperative Safety Revolution Despite the development of automotive safety technologies in recent years, road fatalities keep going up. In order to change this reality we need a paradigm shift toward cooperative safety. V2X is the safety network that can protect all road users and bring on a true road safety revolution that will prevent road accidents and save lives. Ora Priziment holds the position of Wireless Technology group director at Autotalks, leading cutting-edge modem development in the company. Autotalks, founded in 2008, is a world pioneer in V2X, providing customers with state-of-the-art V2X solutions. Jeffrey Fefer is the Director of Technical Marketing at Autotalks and is responsible for all communications on the technical level with customers, partners and other stakeholders. Prior to this position, Jeffrey led the Product Management team at Autotalks and was responsible for all product definition activities. |
Small Phase Theorem: versions 1.0 and 2.0Prof. Li Qiu from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Organizer: Joint Control, Robotics & Cybernetics Friday, December 16, 3:00 pm – 4:30 pm, Hybrid meeting and 0nline. Room: CEME 2202, Bldg: CEME (Civil and Mechanical Engineering Building), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 6250 Applied Science Ln, Vancouver, V6T 1Z4. Hybrid online meeting. Small Phase Theorem: versions 1.0 and 2.0 Abstract: Is there a small phase theorem parallel to the small gain theorem? This is of no problem for SISO LTI systems since the phase response of such a system is well-defined. For MIMO LTI systems, this question becomes nontrivial since a good definition of the matrix phase had not been available until recently.
Vancouver TALK 12: Powering Past Coal with Gas and Uranium – the Case for Small Modular ReactorsDick Scarth, Retired Nuclear Engineer from Canadian General Electric Organizer: Life Members’ Affinity Group Saturday, December 17, 9:45 am – 11:00 am, Online. To keep the global greenhouse reasonably liveable, climate modellers tell us that we need to achieve net zero GHG emissions by mid-century, and to reach that target we need to decarbonize our electrical grids by 2030. To complete grid decarbonization Alberta is considering three clean near-term energy options: (1) capture and storage of the GHG released by its gas-fired plants (CCGT + CCS), (2) wind and solar made dispatchable by adding energy storage (W&S + S), and (3) the nuclear option – small modular reactors (SMR). Dick Scarth is a retired nuclear engineer who worked for Canadian General Electric in Peterborough on the development of CANDU nuclear reactors, and for the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission in Ottawa. In Vancouver, he worked for BC Hydro on a nuclear power feasibility study and on the assessment of alternative power generation technologies such as wind, tidal and geothermal. |
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This is a regular publication of the IEEE Vancouver Section.
Dr. Chris Scholefield
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IEEE Vancouver Section, All rights reserved.
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